Sunday, May 4, 2014

Living in the Overflow of #HOPE, #TheSISTAHSMinistry, #LivingintheOverflow, @MinisterCeleste


For many who have placed hope in the wrong things, it is scary to put our hope in something. But hope is essential to life and to living. How can we experience a hope that doesn’t disappoint us and grow in hope so that it is not drowned out by our circumstances?

The hope we have for the future and the hope we live in is solely because of Christ and His payment for our sins through his death and resurrection.

In Christ alone our hope is found!  God gives us Overflowing Hope through His Spirit.

As the Holy Spirit fills you with hope as you grow in faith through the word, through the fellowship of the church, through having your eyes fixed on Christ and the salvation He has given you now along with the inheritance that can never perish spoil or fade, kept in heaven for you, that hope you have overflows so that it can spill on to others.

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